What we Know About Paraquat® and Parkinson's
Thousands of current and former workers around the nation began developing Parkinson's after being exposed to or using Paraquat® and other herbicides containing Paraquat®.
In order to better understand the link between Paraquat® and Parkinson's, the National Institutes of Health® decided to conduct a groundbreaking study in 2011. After intensive analysis, the team of scientists and health experts found that those who used or were exposed to Paraquat® throughout their lifetime were 2X more likely to develop Parkinson's than somebody who had never been exposed to the chemical concoction. A contributor to the study also stated that Paraquat® increases the production of a certain oxygen derivative that can harm cellular structures, which may lead to Parkinson's.
After more and more cases of Parkinson's® began to develop, the herbicide was eventually banned from the European Union. Paraquat®, when ingested or inhaled, is highly toxic to humans. Although the herbicide is not banned in the United States, the EPA now requires all Paraquat® applicators to undergo specialized training to safely handle the herbicide. However, for thousands of consumers, it is already too late.
Symptoms of Parkinson's
Parkinson's is best classified as a progressive nervous system disorder that can impact a patient's movement. In most cases, symptoms will start gradually, with effects such as a barely noticeable tremor in one single hand.
The symptoms associated with Parkinson's can be different for each and every person. Some of the common signs of Parkinson's include:
- Tremor or shaking that typically begins in one limb, often a hand or finger
- Slowed movement may become more noticeable over time, which can make simple tasks more difficult
- Rigid muscles and muscle stiffness may occur in any part of your body.
- Impaired posture and balance
- Loss of automatic movements, which can include blinking, smiling or arm movements
- Changes in handwriting
The History of Paraquat®
Although Paraquat® was first synthesized (created) in 1882, it was not known for its herbicidal properties until 1955. After it was discovered the dangerous chemical made an effective herbicide, it was made available for sale in 1962, commonly under the trade name Gramoxone®. During this time period, however, and up until 2019, no training was required to allow workers to safely apply the herbicide. This led thousands of victims to become exposed to dangerous levels of the herbicide.
Paraquat® is commonly sold under a variety of brand names, including Gramoxone®, Firestorm®, Helmquat®, or Parazone®. All of these brand names contain the dangerous chemicals that may lead to the development of Parkinson's.
Please seek the advice of a medical professional before making health care decisions. This advertisement is not associated with Paraquat® Gramoxone®, Firestorm®, Helmquat®, Parazone®, The National Institute of Health®, or any government agency.
www.paraquatlitigationcenter.com is the property of DiCello Levitt Gutzler, LLC. Western Reserve Law Building 7556 Mentor Ave Mentor, Ohio 44060
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